AMOS™ | Advanced Maritime Fleet Management

Powerful Asset Management

While our people make all the difference, our business is built around our unique AMOS™ fleet management software. Renowned throughout the maritime industry, AMOS™ offers a truly connected, standardized global overview across your fleet and operations. Its powerful suite of tools enables you to streamline and optimize your business and make faster, more informed decisions, while dedicated add-on modules cover each specialist function so the software can be tailored to you.

Purple cog icon


Increased asset reliability, maximize performance.

Boat icon


Deliver projects on time, on budget

Inventory icon


Global visibility, Centralized control



Maximize scale, drive cost efficiencies

Quality & Safety Icon

Quality & Safety

Drive compliance, improve safety.

Guarantee compliance icon


Better-informed buying decisions, from any device, anywhere, any time.

Staff management icon

Staff Management

Personnel management, made simple.

Data analytics icon

Data Analytics

Optimize fleet performance, reduce costs.

Purple corner arrows icon


More accurate reporting, to maximize crew productivity.

Coding icon

SFI Technical Coding Solution

Technical and financial information, classified.

Integrations icon

Integrations & API

Smooth and efficient connectivity with third-party applications

Replicator icon


Data integrity, ship to shore.

Free Brochure

Find out how AMOS™ software can drive your maritime business

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